Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Janitoria   What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Janitoria

What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Janitoria   What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Janitoria

What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Janitoria   What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Janitoria

What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Janitoria   What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Janitoria

What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro   Alternative Solutions with draping  and  Alternative Solutions Diamond plate,  2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro

Alternative Solutions with draping and Alternative Solutions Diamond plate, 2013

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro   Janitoria  , 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro

Janitoria, 2013

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro   Cooler Curtain  , 2013 

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro

Cooler Curtain, 2013 

  Introvert Disposal  , 2013 

Introvert Disposal, 2013 

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro   Modern Voodoo Local Contractor (with Æ, J, R)  , 2013 

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro

Modern Voodoo Local Contractor (with Æ, J, R), 2013 

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro   Orgy  , 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro

Orgy, 2013

 Månedens Bilde: Marte Eknæs & Nicolau Vergueiro   Orgy, 2013   Oslo, Norway

Månedens Bilde: Marte Eknæs & Nicolau Vergueiro

Orgy, 2013

Oslo, Norway

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Scrapscape   Exilo, Los Angeles, CA. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Scrapscape

Exilo, Los Angeles, CA. 2013

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Scrapscape   Exilo, Los Angeles, CA. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Scrapscape

Exilo, Los Angeles, CA. 2013

   ØÅVT Eknæs Tower with Pillow, 2013

 ØÅVT Eknæs Tower with Pillow, 2013

ø, å, v, t eknæs tower with pillow, 2013
ø, å, v, t eknæs tower with pillow, 2013

stainless steel display stand,

cast aluminum and travel pillow

 Marte Eknæs  Zaha Hadid Women’s Shelter (plan)  , 2013 

Marte Eknæs
Zaha Hadid Women’s Shelter (plan), 2013 

  Zaha Hadid Crawl Space , 2013

Zaha Hadid Crawl Space, 2013

 Marte Eknæs   Leipzigerstraße 12  , 2012

Marte Eknæs

Leipzigerstraße 12, 2012

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Scrapscape   Exilo, Los Angeles, CA. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Scrapscape

Exilo, Los Angeles, CA. 2013

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro   Cool Curtain , 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro

Cool Curtain, 2013

  Eknæs Alphabet Study II  , 2013

Eknæs Alphabet Study II, 2013

  G, E, B, M, L, N Eknæs Totem,   2013 

G, E, B, M, L, N Eknæs Totem, 2013 

  Marte Eknæs, Deflecto display with Eknæs Alphabet fabric and ØÅVT with Pillow by Nicolau Vergueiro  , 2013    Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway   

Marte Eknæs, Deflecto display with Eknæs Alphabet fabric and ØÅVT with Pillow by Nicolau Vergueiro, 2013

Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway

 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Janitoria   What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013
 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Janitoria   What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013
 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Janitoria   What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013
 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Janitoria   What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013
 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro   Alternative Solutions with draping  and  Alternative Solutions Diamond plate,  2013
 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro   Janitoria  , 2013
 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro   Cooler Curtain  , 2013 
  Introvert Disposal  , 2013 
 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro   Modern Voodoo Local Contractor (with Æ, J, R)  , 2013 
 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro   Orgy  , 2013
 Månedens Bilde: Marte Eknæs & Nicolau Vergueiro   Orgy, 2013   Oslo, Norway
 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Scrapscape   Exilo, Los Angeles, CA. 2013
 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Scrapscape   Exilo, Los Angeles, CA. 2013
   ØÅVT Eknæs Tower with Pillow, 2013
ø, å, v, t eknæs tower with pillow, 2013
 Marte Eknæs  Zaha Hadid Women’s Shelter (plan)  , 2013 
  Zaha Hadid Crawl Space , 2013
 Marte Eknæs   Leipzigerstraße 12  , 2012
 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro,  Scrapscape   Exilo, Los Angeles, CA. 2013
 Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro   Cool Curtain , 2013
  Eknæs Alphabet Study II  , 2013
  G, E, B, M, L, N Eknæs Totem,   2013 
  Marte Eknæs, Deflecto display with Eknæs Alphabet fabric and ØÅVT with Pillow by Nicolau Vergueiro  , 2013    Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway   

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Janitoria

What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Janitoria

What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Janitoria

What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Janitoria

What Pipeline, Detroit, MI. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro

Alternative Solutions with draping and Alternative Solutions Diamond plate, 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro

Janitoria, 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro

Cooler Curtain, 2013 

Introvert Disposal, 2013 

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro

Modern Voodoo Local Contractor (with Æ, J, R), 2013 

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro

Orgy, 2013

Månedens Bilde: Marte Eknæs & Nicolau Vergueiro

Orgy, 2013

Oslo, Norway

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Scrapscape

Exilo, Los Angeles, CA. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Scrapscape

Exilo, Los Angeles, CA. 2013

 ØÅVT Eknæs Tower with Pillow, 2013

ø, å, v, t eknæs tower with pillow, 2013

stainless steel display stand,

cast aluminum and travel pillow

Marte Eknæs
Zaha Hadid Women’s Shelter (plan), 2013 

Zaha Hadid Crawl Space, 2013

Marte Eknæs

Leipzigerstraße 12, 2012

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro, Scrapscape

Exilo, Los Angeles, CA. 2013

Marte Eknæs and Nicolau Vergueiro

Cool Curtain, 2013

Eknæs Alphabet Study II, 2013

G, E, B, M, L, N Eknæs Totem, 2013 

Marte Eknæs, Deflecto display with Eknæs Alphabet fabric and ØÅVT with Pillow by Nicolau Vergueiro, 2013

Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway

show thumbnails